Sigourney Weaver - Half Moon Street (1986)

Duration: 9min 47sec Views: 59 944 Submitted by:
Description: Sigourney Weaver (37 years) in nude scenes from Half Moon Street (1986). First, the actress takes a bath during which she shows tiny boobs. Next Sigourney stands naked in front of the mirror and back to the camera, glowing with bare buns. The next scene brings another cool Weaver views. The actress trains topless on a training bike. Then she takes a shower and her bush can be seen through the glass. Then again gives a view of her tits. In next scene she is naked in bed with Michael Caine and the actress's boobs come out from under the covers. Last, Sigourney has a sexy dream sequence in which we catch glimpses of her breasts. Slow motion clip.

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